Huwebes, Agosto 21, 2014



1) What do you think are the advantages of this blog project?
- The advantages of this blog project helps me to enhance my knowledge and helps me to know more about whats happening in our world nowadays and  this project helps me to  think deeply :) and its help me to inspire others to make a change in their life  or look at the problem or issue from another perspective.

 2) What do you think are the disadvantages of this blog project?
- the disadvantages of this blog project is whatever you publish is available to everyone  to see. If you write a post in anger you might regret it later and also some people may leave rude or inappropriate comments.

3) What are your reactions towards your peer comments on your 
blog posts?
- For me its ok if comments are negative or positive I will respect it because  they are free to say their opinions either its bad or good. But its much better if their comments are good because everytime I read their comments I feel that Im a good blogger :)

4) What are the challenges that you encountered in this blog 
- The challenges that I encountered in this blog project is Lack of  idea about the topics and how to say it correctly or express it correctly because Im afraid if their is a wrong grammar but sometimes if I dont know the english word that I will use I will translate it on tagalog.

5) What is your over-all comment about this blog project?
- On my opinion Im so happy because I finish this project its an achievement for me to do a blog project even though  I dont have any Idea how to do this or how to start because sometimes I feel lazy so thats why I cant finish it faster and also Im happy because I have many things that I have learn and also Im happy because some people appreciate my efforts to do this blog project Im thankful to those people who read my blogs. Thats all :)

Global warming

Pope Francis said, “For me” St. Francis of Assisi “is the man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and protects creation; these days we do not have a very good relationship with creation, do we?”
No, we do not.
Consider the words of Pope Francis’ predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, “Can we remain indifferent before the problems associated with such realities as climate change …  loss of productivity in vast agricultural areas, the pollution of rivers and aquifers, the loss of biodiversity, the increase of natural catastrophes and the deforestation of equatorial and tropical regions?”
We remain indifferent to the poor relationship we have with creation at our own peril – and of the peril of our children and future generations yet to be born.
And of all the serious human caused threats to the natural world, none is more serious, or more urgent than climate change – especially global warming.

This photo essay is a result of reflecting on the following two questions: Are the poor responsible for the problems in the country? How do they contribute to resolving the problems? In trying to answer these questions, I became aware that the answers can be applied on a global level. After much thought, I also realized that the answers are complex because it is unrealistic to blame a single group of people. We all contribute to global warming, especially the rich; therefore, we can and should also be part of the solution. 
Global warming is making big changes in our beautiful world. It’s caused much of the ice in global areas to melt away. Many animals are losing their homes and are becoming endangered. When something becomes endangered their numbers are dropping and there are becoming fewer of them. Some of these animals are tigers, elephants, the blue footed booby, and polar bears.
Global warming is caused by rising of the average temperature. Today it is already 1 degree warmer than one hundred years ago! That may not sound like  much, but already it is making huge changes in our beautiful Earth.One place being effected by Global warming is the Arctic. Much of the ice there has melted and temperatures are rising rapidly. What used to be a frozen beauty is now a barren wasteland. Many animals there are adapted to the cold weather. They cannot live anywhere else.
Some things that can be done to stop Global warming are not using things that have carbon dioxide in them. You could also help by taking buses and try carpooling with friends. Riding your bike to school and other public places can also help. Even better, walk on your own two feet. God gave them to us for a reason!
One time Im reading a newspaper article I feel like it is the most informative on global warming causes and helpful tips and stopping it. The most challenging part of this project for me, was the time limit on the artifacts it was a lot to get done in that period of time. An interesting thing about my subject is the severity of the statistics of global warming and how many people are concerned about the issue.
 Based on my experience, many people are working towards resolving current enviormental issues. Eventhough in reality the poor contribute less to global warming, many are active participants and advocates for a more ecofriendly way of life. 
thanks for reading my blog I hope that my audience realizes the big problem and hoe crucial it is to try and help stop the effects of global warming so that the earth will be in beautiful shape for future generations

Israel’s Sacred Terrorism

Nowadays theres a lot of countries having a war.Just like Israeli atrocities against Palestinians. This past week rocket fire from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory continued to escalate. It began in the second half of June during Operation Brothers' Keeper, conducted to find the three abducted Israeli youths (who were eventually found, murdered by their abductors).
The terrible muder of three Israeli youths has given the Israelis an excuse to continue their slaughter of Palestinians. They have neither produced nor cited evidence that Hamas was involved. Then there is Iraq and Syria. These places have been losers when it comes to terrorism in the past, with their authoritative leaders of past strongly opposed to groups like the Taliban. New leadership means hope for terrorists everywhere, and this season both Iraq and Syria fell to ISIS or now IS. They dropped the whole method the big three used to gain power in Afghanistan and Pakistan and worked as a team and used their offensive ability to blow out victories in the early going. Mass murders, destruction of homes, schools, infrastructure, and even the all inclusive claim to be the leaders of all Muslims the world over.  Big time moves by terrorism's new front runners. Experts agree that while their claim to be the leaders of the entire Muslim world was laughable, their fire power is pretty strong.Israel quickly counters , this team with over 60 years of experience in human rights abuses has had its ups and downs in the terror game. At times they were looking like the new dynasty, but then a series of acts of Humanity would peg them back a bit.  

It was only a matter of time before the two sides with the most hot air would burst, and burst they did! A series of kidnappings and murders in Israel and Palestine sparked the latest battle and woke up terrorism's dark horse and have made them instant contenders.
Oh but wait! Just when Israel was about to walk away with the trophy, they seem to have had enough of their attacks on the poor people of Gaza and are considering entering into cease fire talks started by Egypt.  While the damage has been done, this willingness to stop their reign of terror is something else entirely.

Miyerkules, Agosto 13, 2014

Teenagers nowadays

Like Harry Potter and The Chronicle of Narnia movie, the hero and heroin in that movie is a teenager. Teenagers can be defined as a young person aged between 13 and 19 years old. A teenager is a transitional stage of physical and mental human development that occurs between childhood and adulthood. This transition involves biological example pubertal, social, and psychological changes, though the biological or physiological ones are the easiest to measure o
bjectively. The good things also come to the bad things.

Nowadays, teenagers lack of moral values and self-discipline. In the past, majority of the youths then learnt respect, courtesy, honesty and righteousness from a young age, and had enough self-discipline to hold to these values. However, these moral values and self-discipline are slowly diminishing over the years, as most of the younger generations are gradually disregarding these ethics. The listed values have slowly faded away, as they mean little to these adolescents, as moral values and self-discipline are on the verge of disappearing. Even the simplest of morals like, respect, care and consideration are slowly fading away over the years. Furthermore, teenagers nowadays are really freedom. Because of the freedom they like to do what they want. They like to try new things to their selves.
As teenagers, the best thing that we can do is that we can enjoy and have full time of happiness. We don’t have to think about money and other things. All we have to think is about ourselves and our studies.

Nowadays some teenagers are hmm I can say that others are liberated. Like for example, Teenagers’ clothes in the twenty-first century have also changed a lot. The clothes they wear depend on current trends since it is important to follow fashion. School uniforms aren’t so popular today like in the past. Girls more often wear jeans than skirts, boys wear wide sweatshirts and trousers. The fact is that nowadays teens get dressed in clothes which are comfortable for them. All in all, it can be stated that the lifestyle of teenagers depends on many factors.

All I can say that teenagers probably end up hanging out with people that influence them either in a negative or a positive way. Communication lacks and parents are less influential in teens life. 

Situations like this are the main reason teens are the way they are today. Teens just want to be happy. They find this joy in drugs, sex, and alcohol. Why?, cause they need someone to let them know they are there for them, they need guidance.

As a teenager I consider myself lucky because I have a parent that guides me and love me. That’s all!

If there's any wrong  grammar ,I'm very sorry. Thanks for reading 

Social Problems (Corruption)

There’s a lot of issues Facing Our Youth Today, like violence, Education, Animal Rights etc..
Society social Issues can be defined as problems or matters, which affect a person, a group of persons or the whole society in general, either directly or indirectly. Social issues in society thus, have a very wide scope.
For me I think corruption in the Philippines is considered to be the worst among East Asia’s leading economies and the country has sunk even lower among those seen to be lagging in governance reforms. Why? The Republic of the Philippines suffers from widespread corruption. Means of corruption include graft, bribery, embezzlement, backdoor deals, nepotism, patronage. This one of the biggest social problem of the country. I am not trying to justify my forgetfulness but perhaps I forgot it because corruption is so rampant that I cannot recognize it anymore when I see it?

 For example The people are charged with taxes but we end up having inefficient implementation of road and traffic rules, lack of a flood control system, and "road constructions" (They destroy some roads then immediately "fix" it, as a tactic for kickback). Even if, let's say, we have a good president, it would still be difficult for him to implement good governance practices nationwide because the rest of the politicians would not support something that has nothing in it for them. This problem is passed from generation to generation, more so considering the fact that the strongest politicians form dynasties. The problems in the government, collectively, is the primary reason for the rest of the problems.
where do we usually see corruption?

Base on my experience  I know that public utility vehicle drivers regularly give traffic enforcers something (money) to get them off the hook everytime they are caught with violations. In fact many times I saw drivers apprehended yet never have I seen any driver who got a ticket. Surely, they gave the traffic officer some 20 Pesos  to 50, which the drivers themselves boasted to have done, as they ride back their vehicles.
Still, there are a lot of places where corruption is taking place. We have to know how, when and where corruption happens even before we attempt to propose a solution to stop them.
But stop them soon we should.

Miyerkules, Agosto 6, 2014

'What have I Enjoy? (Future Plans)

“Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us.  Strength is for service, not status.  Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”Romans 15:1-2

Let me share something about my plans..For me I plan not just for myself not just for my own happiness but also for others..I Think every time I help other people I feel so happy. When I was a elementary student I actually love helping others. Every time I see a beggar, street children or poor people that lack of foods and seeking for shelter I feel so very sad. For me, helping others is a top priority. Being able to provide others with a path toward success makes me feel valuable. Helping others is one of my greatest joys. When I help others, I also help myself see the joy and beauty to be found in life.

I remember my mom and dad told me “help others even just in a small way..its better to give than to receive” I always remember that.

Others can succeed in all types of ways. I look for ways to help others realize their goals and dreams. These can be small or large, but they are all important. Everyone has dreams and goals that they want to see come to pass, so I help them when I can.

Until now one of my plans is to build a orphanage or a home for them.. And if I will do that I think I’m one of the happiest person Because I give to others, they give back to me. I get so much joy, peace, and love from other people. They see how much I do for others, and they appreciate me. When we all work together, we can do amazing and important things.

My life’s journey has always been linked to helping other people; I just never saw it as serving them. As I have grown to know myself, I have discovered that I have this huge heart that wants the best for myself and for others. I now live to serve, and this brings me great fulfillment. Serving others can create this same joy and meaning for you.. thanks for reading.