Huwebes, Agosto 21, 2014


1) What do you think are the advantages of this blog project?
- The advantages of this blog project helps me to enhance my knowledge and helps me to know more about whats happening in our world nowadays and  this project helps me to  think deeply :) and its help me to inspire others to make a change in their life  or look at the problem or issue from another perspective.

 2) What do you think are the disadvantages of this blog project?
- the disadvantages of this blog project is whatever you publish is available to everyone  to see. If you write a post in anger you might regret it later and also some people may leave rude or inappropriate comments.

3) What are your reactions towards your peer comments on your 
blog posts?
- For me its ok if comments are negative or positive I will respect it because  they are free to say their opinions either its bad or good. But its much better if their comments are good because everytime I read their comments I feel that Im a good blogger :)

4) What are the challenges that you encountered in this blog 
- The challenges that I encountered in this blog project is Lack of  idea about the topics and how to say it correctly or express it correctly because Im afraid if their is a wrong grammar but sometimes if I dont know the english word that I will use I will translate it on tagalog.

5) What is your over-all comment about this blog project?
- On my opinion Im so happy because I finish this project its an achievement for me to do a blog project even though  I dont have any Idea how to do this or how to start because sometimes I feel lazy so thats why I cant finish it faster and also Im happy because I have many things that I have learn and also Im happy because some people appreciate my efforts to do this blog project Im thankful to those people who read my blogs. Thats all :)

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